Welcome to my Zenfolio photography web site. Photography like life is a continuing process of studying and learning, having experiences, and growing to develop one's talent and skills. My focus as a photographer has been based on my love of nature, landscapes, wildlife, and places visited. This process started when I was in graduate school at the University of Minnesota working on my MS and PhD in soil science, having grown up on a farm in southwestern Minnesota. Since then photography has been a life long interest and passion in my personal life and in my environmental work as a soil scientist and research scientist until I retired in 2004. I hope you enjoy visiting my galleries on nature, landscapes, wildlife, and places visited.

My professional resume and work experience along with the photography equipment, software, and the computers I use are described on my original photography web site at www.richardpietz.com. My picture is shown on the contact page of this web site.


Richard I. Pietz